What You Should Know About Invisalign

Invisalign is an effective treatment for a number of dental issues. It is the best choice for adults who want a straighter smile.


Invisalign uses SmartTrack technology that is not available in other clear aligner brands. This system is able to track each patient’s progress and identify when the trays need to be replaced.

No Food Restrictions

While traditional braces often come with a list of food restrictions that can cause discomfort, Invisalign aligners are easily removable so there are no food limitations. However, patients are advised to remove the aligners before eating anything but water. Chewing while wearing your aligners can damage, degrade, or discolor them and can also promote the growth of bacteria in your mouth. This is why you should avoid eating chewy foods like boiled sweets, hard candies, crusty bread, or any other hard items that require vigorous chewing.

It is also important to keep in mind that Invisalign can be damaged by hot liquids, so it’s best to drink your coffee, tea, or warm soup with the aligners out. Drinking several cups of these beverages can also cause the aligners to warp, making them less effective in straightening your teeth.

It’s best to have a plan for each day when you wear your Invisalign aligners, such as removing them before you head out to lunch or dinner and then putting them back on afterward. This way, you don’t risk losing an aligner or forgetting to put it back in before you go to bed. Keeping a plan will help you remember to wear your aligners for the recommended 20 to 22 hours a day. Invisalign patients should also remove the aligners before smoking or chewing gum, as this can also cause them to be discolored or warped.


Invisalign aligners are removable, so they’re easy to take out when you need to eat or drink. They also come out for cleaning, and you’ll need to brush them often to remove any food particles or bacteria. You can even use dental cleaner tablets to keep your trays fresh.

The clear trays fit comfortably in the mouth and don’t irritate the tongue like metal wires can. They’re also more discreet than traditional braces, so they’re less likely to embarrass you. However, it’s still important to wear your trays for the recommended amount of time each day to ensure that they’re effective.

Some people may have trouble remembering to wear the trays, which can compromise treatment success. Also, if you have a more complex misalignment that has a skeletal component, Invisalign might not be able to correct it fully, and additional treatments like metal brackets or jaw surgery could be needed instead.

Another downside to Invisalign is that it requires regular visits to the dentist. While these appointments are essential to ensuring that your teeth are receiving the proper care, they can be inconvenient. Depending on the nature of your case, you might need to return to the dentist more than once during treatment, which can make the process long and drawn out. This can be especially frustrating if you’re not satisfied with the results at the end of your treatment plan.


Many patients enjoy the comfort features of Invisalign. Unlike traditional metal braces, the clear aligners are not bulky and do not cause discomfort during treatment. The trays are also easily removable, which allows wearers to remove them for meals or special occasions. The trays are easy to clean and are designed to be comfortable against the gumline.

Patients are typically fitted with a new set of trays every few weeks, which works to slowly straighten the teeth. There may be some initial discomfort, but this should disappear within a few weeks as the mouth adjusts to wearing the clear trays. Invisalign is an effective option for people with crooked teeth, protruding teeth or a misaligned bite. It can improve speech and biting efficiency, as well as boost self-confidence and overall oral health.

Invisalign treatment is more discreet than traditional metal braces, which can be a significant benefit for those with social anxiety or other issues with public appearances. Additionally, Invisalign treatment requires fewer follow-up visits than conventional braces. However, it’s important to remember that the trays only work effectively when they are worn consistently, apart from when eating, drinking or brushing. Failure to comply with the guidelines could result in a more extended treatment time or complications such as food stuck in the trays. For more information, talk to your dentist about Invisalign treatment options for you.


You can find cheap Invisalign alternatives, but they’re often less effective. Many of these alternatives don’t include an in-person consultation with an orthodontist. This is a crucial step in making sure that an orthodontic treatment will work well for you.

A quality, reliable Invisalign aligner will cost you several thousand dollars. However, you can reduce the overall cost of your treatment by using dental insurance or a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account. You can also ask your dentist about a payment plan.

The length of your Invisalign treatment will depend on how consistently you wear your aligners. The trays must be worn for 20 to 22 hours per day, and you’ll need to visit your dentist or orthodontist on a routine basis so they can monitor progress. If you’re not willing to follow the guidelines, it’s likely that your treatment will take longer.

If you don’t have dental insurance or a FSA or HSA, you can apply for a Care Credit payment plan that offers 0% interest on your monthly payments for up to 24 months. However, it’s important to remember that your credit card debt will be added to your total utilization ratio, and missed payments will cancel the promotional offer. This can affect your credit score. In addition, using a credit card for expensive purchases can lead to debt accumulation that makes it hard to qualify for other types of loans or financing.