Cosmetic Dentistry – What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a collection of treatments designed to improve the look (and, in some cases, function) of your smile. It can address staining, gaps, discoloration and misshapen teeth.


Cosmetic dentists have specialised training in these procedures and vast technical knowledge of how they work. They are also committed to conservative treatment and ensuring you don’t get more work done than is necessary.

Gum contouring

Gum contouring is a quick and easy procedure that can make a dramatic change to your smile. It is a common cosmetic treatment for people who have gummy smiles, but it can also be used to correct periodontal problems. This is done by reshaping and trimming away excess gum tissue.

Cosmetic dentists are trained in a variety of treatments that enhance and improve your smile. They have a strong technical knowledge and a refined artistic touch. They will be able to advise you on which treatments are best for your situation.

Excessive gum tissue can cover too much of a tooth, which is referred to as a “gummy smile.” This can be caused by genetics or certain medications. This can be a source of embarrassment, but it may also lead to dental problems such as tooth decay and even tooth loss. Gum contouring involves removing this tissue with a scalpel or laser. This is a safe and effective treatment for most healthy adults. It can be combined with other procedures such as crowns and composite bonding for a more complete smile makeover.

Composite bonding

Composite bonding is a treatment that corrects minor cosmetic issues such as chipped teeth, gaps and discoloration. It is one of the fastest and least invasive cosmetic dental procedures available. The dentist first cleans the tooth and applies an “etching” gel to roughen its surface for a better bond. They then apply the resin material in layers and harden each one with a curing light. The dentist then shapes the composite to match the tooth and make sure it fits with the bite.

The dentist then uses a shade guide to select a composite resin color that matches the natural tooth. While bonds are durable, they are not as strong as the natural enamel or tooth structure and therefore might need to be retouched or replaced in the future. It is important to practice good oral care and regular cleanings to prolong the life of the bonding material.

Cosmetic bonding is a quick and effective procedure that can usually be carried out in just one appointment at your Bupa Dental Care practice. To learn more about the benefits and cost of composite bonding, contact your local dentist today.

Composite fillings

Composite fillings are a cosmetic dental treatment that can be used to repair chipped teeth or fill small cavities. They are made from a tooth-colored resin that bonds with your natural tooth. They can be molded to fit your tooth’s shape and are virtually impossible to see when compared with other types of fillings. Composite fillings are one of the most popular dental treatments and can be completed in a single visit.

The dentist will numb the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic before starting the procedure. They will then remove any decay and shape the tooth as needed. Then, they will apply a phosphoric acid to the tooth to prepare it for bonding. After this, they will put on a thin layer of the composite resin and shape it to match your tooth. The composite will then be set with a special blue light.

The dentist will repeat this process until they have shaped the desired look of your tooth. It is important to avoid eating or drinking anything that can stain the composite for a few days after the procedure.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments. Its popularity stems from its ability to brighten teeth and improve the appearance of a smile. This treatment is often done in conjunction with other procedures, such as dental veneers or composite bonding, to provide a more complete aesthetic result.

While many people opt to whiten their teeth at home, this procedure should only be performed by a dentist. Over-the-counter whitening products can lead to damage to the tooth enamel and gums, so a dentist is better equipped to recommend and perform safe and effective whitening treatment.

Cosmetic dentists are skilled at improving the overall look of a smile. They have taken extra training to learn how to apply these cosmetic treatments, and they have extensive technical knowledge of how they work. They also have a refined artistic touch that helps them achieve the desired results for their patients. They are also committed to conservative treatment options, so they won’t encourage patients to undergo unnecessary procedures. This is a good way to keep your dental bill low.


Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that cover the front side of a tooth. They are used to improve the shape, size and color of teeth. They can also close small spaces and make crooked teeth appear more uniform. In addition to enhancing appearance, veneers can protect the tooth’s surface from damage.

Traditional veneers are made of porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain veneers are more durable and resemble natural teeth. However, they are typically not covered by dental insurance. Composite resin veneers are thinner and less expensive than porcelain. They can be completed in one visit, and they don’t require shots or drilling.

Veneers are a permanent solution for many cosmetic dental issues, including crooked teeth, poorly-aligned teeth, stained teeth, and short or chipped teeth. However, the removal of enamel to install veneers makes teeth more sensitive to hot and cold. They also cannot be repaired if they become cracked or chipped. To help prevent this, patients should brush and floss their teeth regularly, and they should avoid chewing on hard objects. If they do experience sensitivity, the dentist can apply an anesthetic.