Driving Manners – How They Can Help You Be More Cautious and Safe

Whether you’re a new driver or a seasoned pro, driving manners can help you be more courteous and safe.


This is especially true on crowded highways or busy parking lots. If another driver lets you merge in front of them or patiently waits to park, give them a quick wave and thank them.

Don’t pass on the left

If you’re on a highway, it’s best to always use the right lane for passing. Passing on the left can be dangerous because it can be hard to see another vehicle on the opposite side of the road, which is why it’s so important to follow the rules of the road when it comes to driving.

However, if you do choose to pass on the left, it’s important to remember that most drivers prefer to be in the right lane, and it’s illegal to block other vehicles when it comes to passing. In fact, it’s even illegal to drive on the shoulder of the road.

This is especially true on multi-lane roads, where a lot of traffic is traveling at a similar speed, which means you’re most likely to get passed on the left by other drivers.

But if you’re on a smaller road, like a street, or in dense traffic, it’s better to keep in the right lane so that everyone can get to their destination without having to stop.

In most states, drivers are required to keep right if they’re going slower than the “normal speed of traffic” (the speed at which the surrounding cars are moving). While these laws vary from state to state, they all adhere to the same basic concept: Drivers should be in the right lane whenever possible, even if they’re driving at a higher speed than the other drivers on the road.

Hopefully this will help you avoid any accidents and make the road a safer place for everyone. If you need some extra inspiration, check out this excellent video from Vox. It’s a great reminder of why it’s so important to follow the traffic rules.

Don’t blind other drivers

If you want to avoid getting a speeding ticket, it’s a good idea to keep your eyes open and be conscious of your surroundings. You should also remember that different vehicles have different blind spots, so be careful when passing on the left or changing lanes.

Drivers often get blinded by headlights, especially if they are too bright. This is not only a distraction, but it can also lead to accidents. In fact, it has been estimated that around 300 accidents are caused by glare from headlights each year!

The first step to avoiding this problem is to dim your headlights. This will help other drivers see you, and it will keep your high beams from dazzling the cars that are in front of you.

Another way to avoid being blinded by other drivers’ headlights is to avoid looking directly into their high beams. It is important to look at the right edge of the road instead, and your peripheral vision will help you make sense of the situation.

You can also use a technique called a shoulder check to ensure that you aren’t in other drivers’ blind spots. This involves turning your head 90 degrees to either side and looking out of the side windows with your peripheral vision.

You should also do this whenever you’re changing lanes or merging into traffic. This will help you make sure that no one is hiding in your blind spot before you change lanes. Alternatively, you can flip on your turn signal to let other drivers know that you’re about to move over.

Don’t hog the right lane

Driving manners are important for everyone to adopt. They help to make roads safer for all drivers and prevent traffic congestion from occurring. It is best to stay in your lane as much as possible, unless you are overtaking or there are vehicles in front of you.

It is not always easy to keep your lane, especially if you are on freeways or interstates. They have a number of lanes in each direction and usually move faster than other roads. This makes it difficult to avoid collisions, especially with other vehicles.

Drivers who do not abide by this rule are considered lane hoggers. In fact, this type of behavior is a crime in some states.

The right lane is for slow moving traffic, such as vehicles exiting the highway or those who are traveling below the speed limit. Keeping to the right also helps traffic flow more smoothly.

If you have to drive in the middle lane, think about it as a way to relax. It is a good idea to switch back to the left lane if you find yourself in the middle lane for too long. This will help to reduce the amount of time you are in there and may even allow you to overtake slower moving vehicles.

If you feel that you are being harassed by other drivers, you should contact your state authorities and urge them to enforce the law. They will be more likely to do so if you provide them with evidence. If you can, write a letter to your state legislators explaining why enforcing this law is so important. It will also help to increase public awareness of the issue.

Don’t use brights

Drivers should only use their high beams when there is no oncoming traffic or when they are within 500 feet of a vehicle coming in the opposite direction. This is because it can blind drivers who are approaching from behind and reflect back into the mirrors of other drivers, which can be dangerous.

Many people who drive at night don’t use their high beams as often as they should. They may be worried about causing an accident or believe they can see well enough without them.

However, driving at night is extremely dangerous, especially on narrow lanes, like those on mountain roads and country highways. This makes it even more important to use your headlights at all times of the day.

It’s also best to switch to low-beam headlights when driving in fog or rain. This will not only help you see better, but will also limit the glare to other drivers.

Using your brights can also distract other drivers and make it hard for them to focus on the road. The glare can reduce their ability to react quickly, which can result in accidents.

Another reason to switch to low-beam headlights is when there are cars in front of you who are not using their high-beam headlights. If you need to follow a car, be sure that it is using its low-beam headlights.

All cars are equipped with high-beam and low-beam headlights, which can be used to increase visibility and safety. But surprisingly, less than half of all drivers utilize their high-beam headlights.

Don’t honk at other drivers

Using the horn in a way that doesn’t serve a practical purpose is a major cause of road rage accidents. Even a small honk can set off the other driver, who then gets angry and may do something else that leads to a crash.

Honking is appropriate to alert other drivers of a dangerous situation, such as a car that is about to crash into another one, or a pedestrian who is about to step out in front of you. However, if you’re not in a dangerous situation, honking can be inappropriate.

Avoid honking when a driver is following too close to you in the right lane, which could lead to an accident. Instead, slowly pull around the driver when you can and take a deep breath.

You also don’t want to honk if you are at a red light and the person in front of you doesn’t go. If they don’t move, give them a few seconds to see that the light has turned green.

Don’t honk if you notice that someone is going slow, or if they’re distracted and don’t have their eyes on the road. This is because they might be lost or ill.

Then again, honking at a pedestrian who’s about to step out in front of your car can be a good thing, but make sure it isn’t too loud so that it won’t distract other drivers.

Keeping your cool is the best way to ensure you’re not involved in a road rage incident, but it can be challenging at times. If you’re feeling particularly agitated, try to take a few deep breaths or listen to music or a podcast that calms you down.