Asset and Financial Investigation

Financial investigations uncover hidden assets for clients who are seeking to recover debts, settle personal injury claims, validate financial statements in family law cases and more. Using the latest technology, private detective agencies can uncover assets that may otherwise be concealed. 사람찾기흥신소

We can bring to light financial positions across the globe by combining cyber intelligence collection with personal deep web profiling and physical asset searches. This includes tracing money trails and linking them to criminal activity.

Hidden Assets

Many crimes involve the use of complex money trails, and prosecuting these criminals involves a thorough knowledge of financial investigation techniques. These tools allow investigators to follow the money from its initial source to the crime, ultimately leading to convictions and crippling organized crime syndicates.

Hidden assets can be in the form of cash or property. Cash can be concealed by converting it into something with perceived value such as vehicles, jewelry, memorabilia, or even real estate. This process can be aided by the use of nominees and intermediaries.

Other methods for concealing assets include the purchase of property under another name and opening new accounts. Unexplained changes in a spouse’s spending habits or unjustified gifting to third parties may also be indicative of attempts to hide assets. Professionals can conduct an asset search prior to litigation to uncover any hidden assets. They can also assist in the preparation of search and seizure warrants. They will also be able to determine whether domestic or foreign assets are involved.


During criminal investigations, financial investigators discover debts and uncover assets that are linked to a crime. This information is used to build cases for prosecution and deprive criminals of their proceeds. It can also be used to support stronger settlement outcomes and post-judgment recovery for fraud victims.

Financial investigations are critical to combating terrorism and other serious crimes because they help investigators follow the money trail and identify previously undiscovered associates. They can also uncover hidden sources of financing.

Performing financial investigations involves researching public records, court filings and other online databases. Some of the most important information that can be found includes ownership structure, directors and management profiles, negative media searches, bankruptcy and disqualifications, previous criminal cases and judgments, and asset profile and locations. A skilled financial investigator will also be able to locate international and offshore accounts. This is essential to combating transnational criminal activity and dismantling organised crime networks. Consequently, a thorough financial investigation should be an integral part of any national risk assessment.

Business Owners

Business owners are the people in charge of running a company. They share in the profits and are responsible for tax liability and risks. They are also in the position to know where their companies’ assets are located.

Identifying the owners of a company can help in a variety of cases. For example, if someone claims they can’t pay something, an investigation into their financial standing can validate or refute their claim.

This can also be done to prevent illegal activities such as fraud and money laundering. The information gathered in these investigations can help to identify suspicious activity within a company and uncover discrepancies within record-keeping systems that may point to fraudulent activities. This can ultimately save a company a large amount of money that could have been lost due to the actions of fraudulent employees. In addition to this, it can prevent the company from being added to financial sanctions lists.

Asset Tracing

The satisfactory resolution of a commercial dispute or criminal prosecution depends on identifying tangible assets to support court proceedings. These assets are often hidden within complex corporate, nominee or trust structures or dispersed across jurisdictions.

Identifying and finding these assets involves a comprehensive investigative process involving open source information, local filings, social media and human sources, covert enquiries and in some instances deploying surveillance equipment, supported by expert legal counsel to make court applications for bank disclosure orders or search and seizure warrants.

The next step is securing these identified assets to prevent them being sold or otherwise disposed of before they can be discovered and reclaimed. This requires a global knowledge and intricate local understanding that few can match. Often this will include securing bank accounts, freezing assets and working with specialist legal counsel to ensure the correct procedures are followed in each jurisdiction. This is a critical stage in the process, particularly as some individuals may go to extraordinary lengths to hide their assets.