Dental Sealants For Children

Dental sealants protect the grooves and pits in back teeth from food and germs. This helps children avoid cavities and saves parents money. The process is quick and painless.


First, the dentist will clean and dry the tooth. Then they will apply a gel that slightly roughens the tooth’s surface. They rinse the gel off and dry the tooth again before applying the sealant.

They Prevent Cavities

Tooth decay is the most common dental health issue and one of the most dangerous. Bacteria eats away at the enamel, weakening and eventually destroying it. If left untreated, the bacteria can cause gum disease and lead to infections that spread to other parts of your body. The best way to prevent 韓国歯列矯正 cavities is to practice consistent oral hygiene and see your dentist for cleanings every six months.

Getting sealants is a simple, quick and painless procedure that can be done on children and adults alike. We recommend preventing tooth decay in young children by sealing their permanent molars and premolars as soon as the chewing surfaces come in (around age 6). Sealants provide a physical barrier to deep grooves and pits on teeth, inhibiting food particles and bacteria from gathering in these areas and causing decay.

To apply dental sealants, we first thoroughly clean and dry the tooth surfaces to ensure the surface is free of bacteria. Then, we paint the sealant onto the chewing surfaces of the tooth. After the sealant has bonded to the enamel, we shine a curing light on the tooth surface to harden the sealant.

They Are Painless

Dental sealants fill in the narrow pits and grooves on your child’s back teeth, called molars. Thes 韓国歯列矯正 e tiny areas can trap food and encourage bacterial plaque that leads to tooth decay. Sealants cover these areas and make them easier to clean. When properly cared for, sealants can last up to seven years.

Having sealants applied is quick and painless. First, the tooth is cleaned with pumice to remove any debris and then washed and dried. Next, an acid solution is applied to the tooth’s biting surface to create a rough texture that helps the sealant bond to the tooth. After the tooth is rinsed and dried again, the sealant is painted on and cured with a special ultraviolet light. The tooth will feel chewy after the procedure but this sensation should fade within a few days.

The final step is to have your child brush and floss regularly, especially after eating sticky or fatty foods. We recommend scheduling regular checkups every six months, as these visits provide a good opportunity for your dentist or hygienist to examine your child’s sealants and ensure they are still intact.

If your child has wiggly teeth or difficulty opening and closing their mouth, they may not be a good candidate for dental sealants. The sealants must be able to fully cover and penetrate the surface of the teeth, which is difficult for children with these conditions.

They Are Affordable

Dental sealants can cost up to $60 per tooth, but most insurance and discount plans cover the procedure. Kids who don’t get the treatment are more likely to have cavities and could face expensive dental bills in the future, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The process of getting dental sealants is quick and painless, and it can be done at your regular dentist appointment. First, the teeth that are going to be sealed are thoroughly cleaned and dried. Cotton is put around the area to keep it dry and prevent saliva from interfering with the bonding of the sealant to the tooth. A small amount of an acidic etching solution is painted on the chewing surfaces of the teeth to roughen them up, which helps the sealant adhere to the surface. After the teeth are rinsed and dried, the sealant material is painted on the chewing surfaces of the tooth and then shined with a curing light to harden it.

After the dental sealant is applied, patients can resume eating and drinking right away. Some patients may feel a slight difference in their bite, but this sensation usually goes away after a few days. If the sealant wears off, it is easy to schedule an appointment with your dentist for replacement.

They Are Effective

Dental sealants are thin coatings painted by dentists on the top surface of teeth to protect them from food debris and plaque. They bind to the deep grooves and pitted areas of premolars and molars (called fissures) that are difficult to clean with a toothbrush, especially for children. These deep grooves are more prone to cavities because leftover food particles can accumulate and create bacteria that produces acid that damages tooth enamel over time.

The process is simple: the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and dried, then a liquid etch is applied to slightly roughen the tooth’s surface (this prepares it for the bonding agent). The tooth is rinsed and dried again, and the sealant is then painted on the tooth in liquid form and hardened with a curing light. The entire process is quick, painless and effective.

Almost everyone who has permanent teeth is a candidate for sealants, but it’s particularly beneficial for children. Young kids have trouble manipulating a toothbrush properly to clean their molars, and they’re also more likely to develop cavities in their baby teeth. If left untreated, these cavities can lead to serious dental health issues later in life. Getting sealants on their permanent molars as soon as they erupt will help prevent cavities and save them from needing costly dental treatments down the road.